Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Taste of the Textbooks

I hope everyone has begun to explore the books provided at our first meeting! Have you dog-eared or highlighted a segment from the texts (or literature) that stood out to you? Please share the title and excerpt, we'd love to hear your thoughts!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Color Poem

LeeAnn sent me this message:
I used the color poem writing lesson with my third grade summer school students today. For part of our prewriting activities we categorized and read the cool names on paint chip samples. I've been collecting them for a while now and have quite a box full. Each student chose their favorite color names or colors and added them to their writing notebooks to use later in their own color poem. Here is our class collaborative poem and some pictures.

We are wearing OSU orange basketball shirts-
smelling the scent of umber colored, bouncing basketballs-
eating golden cheese nachos and drinking mango flavored Gatorade from the concession stand-
listening to thousands of reddish orange noisemakers-
feeling the wave of orange excitement in the crowd.

Written by Mrs. Blackburn's Summer School Bunch:
Kerri, Mariah, Aaron and Kendrick

Has anyone else written color poems you'd like to post here? Remember, we'll be sharing them with our writing groups in July!

If you'd like to contribute content to the blog, feel free to send it to my email swhite@cameron.edu.

Multicultural YA Lit

We started a great conversation during our first Saturday meeting about Multicultural YA Lit and many of us knew titles right off the top of our heads, but agreed to create a post here to "collect" the titles and authors in one spot. Please post the titles you shared in the institute as well as others you may have remembered once you peeked at your bookshelves.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Welcome Rural Writing Institute Summer 2011 participants! This blog will provide space for reflection, celebration, sharing, and collaborating. It belongs to each member of our community, so please feel free to leave comments, raise questions, answer questions, and share your writing.

One area we would like to explore during our institute is technology. How do you use technology in your classroom? What technology would you like to explore further this summer?